
General Instructions for Zoom Sessions

General Instructions for Zoom Sessions :

   Thank you for participating in IEEE DSN 2021 and serving as the session chair. In order to make our online conference smoother, we have the following precautions, please help:

1. The Zoom link of your designated session can be found in the “Program” section on our Virtual Conference
    Platform (, and you can click on the “Zoom” button to enter the meeting.

2. Please connect to the Zoom Meeting 15 minutes before the start of the session: Our conference staff will
    launch the Zoom meeting 15 minutes ahead of the meeting, and his/her name will be displayed as “Panelists”.     Please inform the “Panelists” of your identity through the chat room of Zoom, and the conference staff will set     you as a co-host.

3. There will be two conference staffs arranged in each session to help you with any issues.

4. After the opening, the conference staff will play the opening screen of the session with screen sharing function     in Zoom, and the screen sharing will be closed after 15 seconds, then you can start hosting the session.

5. In order to prevent the reporter from being disturbed when reporting, we preset the voice of the participants in     the conference to mute. When you want to appoint the speaker or questioner to speak, you can find his/her     name in the participant list and ask them to unmute.

6. The questioner will use “raise hand” feature in Zoom to express that they want to ask a question. You can     decide who will answer the question, and interrupt their speech if necessary.

7. If the host represented by the conference staff fails, according to the fault tolerance mechanism of Zoom, it is     possible that you will be appointed as the host. If you are designated as the host, please find the second     conference staff in the participant list and designate him/her as the host. After the conference staff takes over     the host authority, he/she will continue to designate you as the co-host and assist you in the proceedings.

8. If you have any questions during the conference, please use the chat room feature in Zoom to send a message     to our conference staffs and they will assist in handling any issues during the conference.

    Thank you for your assistance and cooperation, and look forward to your participation in this academic feast.
