final Program > june 22th
Tuesday, June 22nd
13:40 - 14:00 (GMT+01)
:40 - :00 ()
14:00 - 14:45 (GMT+01)
:00 - :45 ()
Keynote I: Tzi-cker Chiueh
Chair : Yennun Huang
A Low-cost Fault Corrector for Deep Neural Networks through Range Restriction Memory state-preserving fault tolerance (MPFT) enables a running process to continue to run without disruption in spite of any failure of the underlying hardware machine or operating system, and is built on the idea of continuous virtual machine migration and epoch-based execution model. Although there has been a commercial implementation of MPFT for some time, its real-world use is not as wide-spread as expected, mainly because its serious performance penalty. In this talk, I will first go over the main limitations of existing MPFT implementations, and then describe an open-source implementation of MPFT that not only supports all basic MPFT functionalities, but also removes all of these limitations.
14:50 - 15:35 (GMT+01)
:50 - :35 ()
Best Paper Candidates Chair : Paulo Verissimo Three papers have been selected for presentation in the "Best paper candidates" session on June 22nd. At the end of this session, each registered attendee will have the right to participate in an online Zoom ballot to select the best paper award winner. A single vote will be allowed per registered participant. The voting will remain open till June 22nd 17:00 (GMT+1).
The winner will be announced at the "Award Announcements and Recognition" session on June 24th. In case of a tie, all best paper candidates receiving the most votes will be declared best paper award winners.
A Low-cost Fault Corrector for Deep Neural Networks through Range Restriction
Zitao Chen (University of British Columbia), Guanpeng Li (University of Iowa), Karthik Pattabiraman (University of British Columbia)
Toward Intrusion Tolerance as a Service: Confidentiality in Partially Cloud-Based BFT Systems
Maher Khan (University of Pittsburgh), Amy Babay (University of Pittsburgh)
PID-Piper: Recovering Robotic Vehicles from Physical Attacks
Pritam Dash (University of British Columbia), Guanpeng Li (University of Iowa), Zitao Chen (University of British Columbia), Mehdi Karimibiuki (University of British Columbia), Karthik Pattabiraman (University of British Columbia) |
15:40 - 15:55 (GMT+01)
:40 - :55 ()
Carter Award Presentation
Chair : Karthik Pattabiraman
Winner :
Victor van der Veen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL
PhD Dissertation title: When Memory Serves Not So Well: Memory Errors 30 Years Later
Defense date: October 24, 2019
Thesis Advisor: Herbert Bos and Giuffrida (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL)
16:00 - 16:45 (GMT+01)
:00 - :45 ()
I1 - Dependability Testing and Estimation Methods
Chair : Fred Lin, Facebook
SERMiner : A framework for early-stage reliability estimation for IBM processors
Karthik Swaminathan, Ramon Bertran, Hans Jacobson, Pradip Bose, Matthias Pflanz and Doug Balazich.
AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series – A Processor with Improved Soft Error Resilience
Cristian Constantinescu.
The Importance of Safety Invariants in Robustness Testing Autonomy Systems
Milda Zizyte, Casidhe Hutchison, Raewyn Duvall, Claire Le Goues and Philip Koopman.
16:00 - 16:45 (GMT+01)
:00 - :45 ()
R1 - Dependability for Machine Learning Chair : Paolo Rech
GARFIELD: System Support for Byzantine Machine Learning
Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL), Arsany Guirguis (EPFL), Jérémy Plassmann (EPFL), Anton Ragot (EPFL), Sébastien Rouault (EPFL) Plinius: Secure and Persistent Machine Learning Model Training
Peterson Yuhala (University of Neuchâtel), Pascal Felber (University of Neuchâtel), Valerio Schiavoni (University of Neuchâtel), Alain Tchana (ENS Lyon; Inria)
Decamouflage: A Framework to Detect Image-Scaling Attacks on CNN
Bedeuro Kim (University of Sungkyunkwan, CSIRO’s Data61), Alsharif Abuadbba (CSIRO’s Data61, Cybersecurity CRC), Yansong Gao (CSIRO’s Data61, Nanjing University of Science and Technology), Yifeng Zheng (CSIRO’s Data61, Harbin Institute of Technology), Muhammad Ejaz Ahmed (CSIRO’s Data61), Surya Nepal (CSIRO’s Data61, Cybersecurity CRC), Hyoungshick Kim (University of Sungkyunkwan, CSIRO’s Data61)
MILR: Mathematically Induced Layer Recovery for Plaintext Space Error Correction of CNNs
Jonathan Ponader (University of Central Florida), Kyle Thomas (University of Central Florida), Yan Solihin (University of Central Florida), Sandip Kundu (University of Massachusetts Amherst) |
16:00 - 16:45 (GMT+01)
:00 - :45 ()
R2 - Networking Chair : Amy Babay
Fast IPv6 Network Periphery Discovery and Security Implications
Xiang Li (Tsinghua University; Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology (BNRist)), Baojun Liu (Tsinghua University), Xiaofeng Zheng (Tsinghua University; QI-ANXIN Technology Research Institute), Haixin Duan (Tsinghua University; Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology (BNRist); QI-ANXIN Technology Research Institute), Qi Li (Tsinghua University), Youjun Huang (Tsinghua University) A Comprehensive Study of Bugs in Software Defined Networks
Ayush Bhardwaj (Brown University), Zhenyu Zhou (Duke University), Theophilus A. Benson (Brown University)
Enabling Novel Interconnection Agreements with Path-Aware Network Architectures
Simon Scherrer (ETH Zurich), Markus Legner (ETH Zurich), Adrian Perrig (ETH Zurich),
Stefan Schmid (University of Vienna)
Self-Healing Protocol: Repairing Schedules Online after Link Failures in Time-Triggered Networks
Francisco Pozo (Westermo Network Technologies AB), Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas (Nokia Bell Labs), Hans Hansson (Mälardalen University)
16:55 - 17:40 (GMT+01)
:55 - :40 ()
R3 - Attacks, Vulnerabilities, and Patches Chair : Marco Vieira
The Master and Parasite Attack
Lukas Baumann (Fraunhofer SIT), Elias Heftrig (Fraunhofer SIT), Haya Shulman (Fraunhofer SIT), Michael Waidner (Fraunhofer SIT) PatchDB: A Large-Scale Security Patch Dataset
Xinda Wang (George Mason University), Shu Wang (George Mason University), Pengbin Feng (George Mason University), Kun Sun (George Mason University), Sushil Jajodia (George Mason University)
PDGraph: A Large-Scale Empirical Study on Project Dependency of Security Vulnerabilities
Qiang Li (Beijing JiaoTong University), Jinke Song (Beijing JiaoTong University), Dawei Tan (Beijing JiaoTong University), Haining Wang (Virginia Tech), Jiqiang Liu (Beijing JiaoTong University)
OctoPoCs: Automatic Verification of Propagated Vulnerable Code Using Reformed Proofs of Concept
Seongkyeong Kwon (Korea University), Seunghoon Woo (Korea University), Gangmo Seong (Korea University),Heejo Lee (Korea University)
16:55 - 17:40 (GMT+01)
:55 - :40 ()
R4 - Systems Dependability Chair :Cheng Li
NVCache: A Plug-and-Play NVMM-based I/O booster for Legacy Systems
Rémi Dulong (University of Neuchâtel), Rafael Pires (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne), Andreia Correia (University of Neuchâtel), Valerio Schiavoni (University of Neuchâtel), Pedro Ramalhete (Cisco Systems), Pascal Felber (University of Neuchâtel), Gaël Thomas (Télécom SudParis/Institut Polytechnique de Paris) K2: Reading Quickly from Storage Across Many Datacenters
Khiem Ngo (Princeton University), Haonan Lu (Princeton University, Microsoft Research), Wyatt Lloyd (Princeton University)
Horus: Non-intrusive Causal Analysis of Distributed Systems Logs
Francisco Neves (INESC TEC; U. Minho), Nuno Machado (Amazon; INESC TEC), Ricardo Vilaça (INESC TEC; U. Minho), José Pereira (INESC TEC; U. Minho)